Saturday 3 February 2007

Scrapping like mad

I haven't scrapped regularly in months and months. I've done the odd project or DT assignment, but it's been a far cry from the almost nightly scrapping that I used to love and enjoy. My mojo walked out and left me, big time, a few months back. If I'm honest, I was trying too hard and felt that every LO had to be better than the last. Of course, they never were and so I was starting to feel like a failure. I now feel so much more confident, after some time to recharge my batteries and I'm just scrapping for me without trying to meet any expectations of what other people maybe think I should be doing. And, when I'm relaxed, the creative juices seem to flow so much easier. I have done 3 pages in the last 2 nights, with even more ideas spinning round in my little head.

This is the first, which was for my Ribbon Mad DT assignment where I got to play around with some scrummy chenille ricrac and silk flowers. The photo is of Charlie with Elmo - isn't he just a vision of loveliness in red? Charlie I mean, not Elmo.

This is the second. Does it look kind of familiar? The centre 6x6 section started life as my Valentine's card for this week's Speshal Dare, but I wanted to turn it into a LO to keep forever and ever. So I added some more Scenic Route papers plus white braid & silk flowers from my Ribbon Mad DT kit. My scanner hates black backgrounds, so it's chopped about half an inch of plain black border off the top. No amount of begging on my part would make my scanner change it's mind - the black border would NOT be scanned.

Actually, I think I conclude that my scanner is completely naff - it always makes my backgrounds look all scrunched up and funny colours. The scanner absolutely hates anything that isn't totally flat - temperamental little thing. You'll just have to believe me when I say that these look better irl.


Anonymous said...

Lovely layouts and he is a cutie pie.

Pretty sure I'm thinking of the same film. They wake up in the cell and try and put the same pair of jeans on. Each one has one leg in the same pair. I'll have to ask Graham and he'll just tut and tell me I've got the wrong film.

He's always telling me that Gene Wilder's dead so he's not much help really xxx

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Yes, I loved all the reds! :)

Lynne said...

Ooooo this is very nice.

Rhi said...

I love what you've done with your card, its gorgeous!