Thursday 8 February 2007


We have snow. Personally, I could live without it but the kids were so excited and if they're happy then that makes me happy. School's shut (and preschool), so we were in the garden at approx 8.30am having snowball fights and making the tiniest snowman in the world. Charlie wimped out the quickest and wanted to come in because his little handy pandies were cold. Casey braved (not sure if brave is the right word - maybe foolish) the snow for another hour and came in a short while ago soaked to her skin. She threw all her wet clothes on the floor (in true 11 year old style) and is now defrosting as we speak in her snuggly dressing gown and jammies. Max is sprawled out on the floor (with bad stomach cramps no doubt lol) because the whole time we were outside, he was eating all the snow he could find. Psssssst Maria, the grass still hasn't been cut since my last lot of cold weather pics.


Anonymous said...

I followed your blog pimping from team chat to come and check out your snow pictures. Hahahahahaha. Sorry couldn't resist :P

Cute pics, love how the little ones are wearing a hat but Casey just has a wet head. She also appears to be throwing a snowball at them while they run away in one of the photos! How is Max feeling? Loads of visits to the garden to pee after all that snow consumption?

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Fun snow pictures! Love all the toys covered in snow in the background.

Anonymous said...

Loving the snow photos they look like they are having a blast.

My girlies were like a pair of ice poles when they finally came in.

Lucy had so much snow stuck to her legs she looked like she had boots on.

We haven't cut our grass either xxx

The Dolphin Inn said...

Snow much fun he he he and no brown snowballs anywhere

Suzanne said...

ooooooh sounds (and looks) like great fun all round! My girlies were so disappointed, we were listening intently to the radio and lots of schools were closed, but, nope, not ours :(