Friday 16 February 2007

Doctor Doctor

Charlie got an early birthday pressie today from our friends - a doctor's bag! Check out the doctor glasses - aren't they just the most flattering pair of specs you've ever seen? I know you're all going to want a pair.

I asked him what his name was and he told me that it was Doctor Doctor. I think Joe 90 might have been more appropriate lol.

Max is feeling a bit out of sorts; he had another epileptic fit earlier today. That's the second one in 3 weeks. After he had the first couple, back in the Autumn, I really hoped that it would be a one off (well two-off to be pedantic) but sadly not. It's so awful to watch; he always seeks me out right before it happens. Previously, he's seemed perfectly normal before and after his episodes but not this time. He was acting strangely this morning because, when I washed up, he chose to go and lie in his crate instead of sitting on my feet (yes, you read that right) as he would normally do. I took a pic because he looked so glum, not realising what was to come. He's still acting very odd now - very clingy and I feel like I've grown a Siamese twin. I'm going to speak to the vet and see what he thinks we should do. He didn't want to put Max on meds if the fits were infrequent because of the potential risks of the meds themselves, but we need to reassess exactly what infequent means.

On a much lighter and happier note, this week's Speshal Dare is up. Click on the blinkie on the right to check out the other girls - lots of variety this week. Love it!! The subject was "A week in pictures" and I chose the first week after Danielle was born (although now I'm going to HAVE to do one each for Casey and Charlie or they'll sulk lol). I made a mini book from little white paper bags; the pages are approx 3 inches square. There is another set of 2 pages but my Photoshop skills (or lack of) wouldn't let me incorporate them.
Have a good weekend, whatever you're up to. :)


Suzanne said...

Oh dear, your poor doggy :( I hope you get some positive news from the vet.

And lol at Dr Doctor!

I adore your dare this week btw!

Gertie said...

LOL at Charlie and I hope Max gets the right treatment soon,must be awful to see him like that.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

What a cool idea! I know what you mean with the "having" to do one for each sibling now. :D

Poor Max,pats on the head from me.

Anonymous said...

Poor Max - Lucy sends him a big soggy kissy wissy. Hope you get him sorted poor love.

Love Charlie in his specs - Reminded me of the singer in The Buggles. Ooh, showing my age there xxx