Friday 11 May 2007

Toot for me!!

I was absolutely delighted to be asked by Bev from Banana Frog to have a play with some of their yummy clear stamps, and you can see what I came up with on the Banana Frog blog. My most fave is the last LO, with the white background and brightly coloured stars. It was one of those ideas that trned out even better on paper than I imagined in my head. And that doesn't happen often lol.

The first module of Cheryl's photography workshop is up and my brain's ticking. Today, I was playing with my mum's new camera - only a cheap little point and shoot digi but it has a few auto settings (night time, portrait, fireworks etc). Well, one of them was self portrait, so I thought "what the heck", selected the setting and snapped a pic of myself. Wouldn't you know it? That one pic was better than the 200 shots I took of myself last week for the workshop lol. I shall have to borrow my mum's camera and steal the pic from her.


Gertie said...

A BIG BIG toot toot Karen,love the minibook and that 'Grin' layout is blumin gorgeous!!!!
Can't wait to see the other self portrait :-D

Anonymous said...

Ooh Karen the things you did with the stamps are absolutely gorgeous! :o) xx

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being a Banana Frog guest designer. I loved what you did with the stamps

Eleni Gratsia said...

Wow, great work Karen.... LOL@at getting a perfect photo!!! :D

The Dolphin Inn said...

Congrats Karen - you so deserve it hon :)