Saturday, 19 May 2007


The weather was against me for Module One of Cheryl's photo workshop, but I managed a couple of pics that fitted the brief. The first was taken from Charlie's bedroom window and is the chimney of the house opposite. I'd liked to have zoomed in a bit closer, but the camera had zoomed as far as it could on optical zoom, and digital zoom is pants. I couldn't hang around for long because I didn't want the neighbours over the road to see me lol.

Our house backs on to farmer's fields, and we have more fields to the right of the house, at the end of the road. I wanted to take the pic from our back bedroom window, because there's a great view of pylons going all the way across the field and on and on into the distance. But the sun was never in the right place when I was awake lol. So, I settled for this shot, taken at around 8pm last Sunday night and it meant me walking along the path at the edge of the farmer's field. It doesn't sound like much of a hardship, I know, but the path was really muddy thanks to all the rain we'd had and I was wearing Crocs. I can still feel the mud squidging between my toes. Ack!

Not the greatest of photos, but I'm learning and I'm aready starting to think more about my photos before I take them.


Gertie said...

Great photos Karen. I didn't manage mine until last night LOL a day late but never mind :-)
Have you ever stood in a puddle wearing crocs? lovely squelchy noise!!

Eleni Gratsia said...

Great photos ... love the first one!!! :D