Sunday 2 September 2007

Busy day tomorrow

Charlie's back to preschool so we've got to be up, dressed and out by 9am. *gasp* Even worse, Danielle starts school on Tuesday and we'll have to be out by 8.30. I've been selling on Ebay, so once Charlie's in preschool we're going to spend about an hour in the post office getting the parcels on their way.

Tomorrow sees another mailing of Design Collective classes, and one of them is from moi. (Btw, I can't believe that we're entering our 6th month of classes!!). I'm attaching a very very sneaky peek which gives away absolutely nothing lol.

Btw, Danielle is kind of getting used to her glasses, while I'm getting peed off with having to clean them every 5 minutes hehe.


Anonymous said...

Good luck to Charlie and Danielle.

Gotta love cleaning their speccies. I don't know how Amelia can see anything sometimes.

Pop over to the creative world bloggie when you get a mo.

Happy Sunday xxx

Anonymous said...

Ooh your sneaky peek looks gorgeous!

I am hopeless at cleaning my glasses. I always have rows for how stinky they are!
