Friday 31 August 2007

The zoo and other things

We went to Colchester Zoo last Sunday so I'm just sharing some of may fave pics from the day. I've got quite a childish sense of humour so I like to take photos of the animals (and kids) doing silly things. Sadly I missed the photo op when the rhino did a wee and his friend drank it. What a LO that would have made heehee.

I've also been scrapping, well just two pages, but *shhhhh* nothing I can share right now. I also have a couple of things in the pipeline that are quite exciting and I'm feeling so flattered that my head can't fit through the door. That might have something to do with my Rapunzel-like hair though. Check out It's a Creative World. Danielle drew a family portrait as part of the comp they've been running to get children creating. The likeness is uncanny heehee.

Oh, and if you like minibooks and want some on the cheap, then look no further. Go to Gertie's blog and check the link on the right to her new little business 'Bare Books'. Prices so cheap you'll fall out of your chair.

I can't believe today's the last day of August - looking at the weather, it's more like October!! Danielle is 5 on September 5th and I've been out today buying her pressies - Littlest Pet Shop and the Barbie dog that poops were top of her list lol. She even tidied her bedroom yesterday and threw out lots of old Maccy D's toys to make room for the new stuff.


Anonymous said...

Ooh, fab piccies Rapunzel. Shame about the rhinos.

Danielle looks so cute in her specs.

Have a fab weekend.

Worzel xxx

Gertie said...

Fab pics,love the one of Charlie and the croc.Danielle looks soooooooooooo cute wearing her glasses,is she getting used to them now?
What a fabby picture Danielle has drawn of the family,Lana did this last week, looked pretty good even if I was a dwarf LOL.
Cheers hunny for linking me books.

Eleni Gratsia said...

Well I see that Cheryl's class has rubbed off on you ... have a bit of 'tilting' going on there eh? I also love to take silly or humourous photos!!!