Friday 17 August 2007


.........I decided last night that I want to scrap and the inks in my printer were being temperamental and refused to print, even though it was telling me they were all at least half full. So, I pinched this photo from an ongoing project (a piece of wall art that is nowhere near ready to go on my wall lol). I much prefer the colour version of this photo, so I'm going to print it (once my ink arrives) and scrap it again properly. For now, I was just playing around with my MM paper edger and some 7 Gypsies paper. The quote is from Dr Seuss, and I have to thank the lovely Tracey for giving me the idea because she used one of his quotes on a page a little while back.

You might just be able to read the quote but just in case: "Today you are you, that is truer than true, there is no one alive who is youer than you."


Anonymous said...

That is so typical of printers. Mine went clunk and started printing everything purple ..... Just in time for my most important piccies ever!!!

Hey ho, Graham looked rather purty and I looked like the girl who ate the gobstopper in Charlie and the choccie factory.

Lovely layout and I really like the edging.

Happy Friday xxx

Misty said...

Beautiful page! I just had to chuck my old printer when they had the school tax holiday. I was tired of it's antics and I bought me a canon pixma, oh the beautiful pictures she prints...sigh. Hope you have better luck today!
found you through Tracey's blog.

Gertie said...

Fabby layout and just love that quote,may have to nick that from you ;-D

Wouldn't it be great if they invented a printer that never runs out of ink??