Thursday, 27 September 2007

A bit late but............

here is my LO for Dare #63 over at Collectively Yours. We've split into two teams and a Thursday upload for dare 63 onwards, so I won't be uploading again till next week but remember that there will be a new upload later tonight.

I've had quite a productive day, managing to complete 2 LO's out of 3 that I've got planned for an upcoming Design Collective class. I'm including a very very teeny weeny sneaky peek of one of them. We've got lots planned for the christmas run up, more details will be released very soon.

Danielle went shopping last weekend, to spend her ELC voucher which was a prize in the Get Children Creating competition over at It's a Creative World. Thrifty me used a 20% off voucher and the books were 3 for 2 as well, so she got loads!! Thanks again ladies.

Saturday, 15 September 2007

Back from our summer break

Dare 62
is up at the Collectively Yours blog, with a back to school theme. I take pics every year and always struggle with what to do with them because I hate uniform colours, so I welcomed the little push to actually scrap some.

I used my current fave K&Co Amy Butler pp's because the black uniform needed a little brightening up. :D

Oooh, and for yet more Amy Butler papers, check out this little piece I did over at It's a Creative World.

Friday, 14 September 2007

Don't fall over......

.......I scrapped! Just a few that I can share right now but one more to come later. ;)

Gertie - I wish I could pretend that you spotted my sneak peek on the CY blog because of my inimitable fabulously unique style but, alas, I think it was the little scalloped kraft tag that gave it away, hehe!! Thank you for sending me some hunny. :D

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Yummy goodies for me

I got a parcel yesterday, from the lovely Sarah and it contained some of her cute little Bare Books. She's faster than greased lightning that lady, I tell you. They were so scrumptiously packaged that I had to take a photo of the little babies. Now I just need to get off my backside and do something with them haha.

The Collectively Yours team are all refreshed after the summer holidays and we're raring to go from next week. Check out the blog for a few sneaky peeks of what's to come.

It's hard to believe the first week of school is over already; Casey had her school pics taken yesterday - early or what!! Have a good weekend, whatever you're up to.

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Cakes and candles

Just sharing a few pics from yesterday. None of them are that great - I'm always far too busy running round like a headless chicken on birthdays to make sure I take lots of photos lol. I need a large screen that I can put behind my subject and block out all the crap in the background too!! I had to include the last one - madam was bored with the photo taking and started prodding the cake instead. She's got her mother's pout haha.

We got into school this morning and Danielle's new friend, Dijana, had a little pressie for Danielle. Dijana gone home last night and begged her mum and dad to buy something, bless her, so they had to nip out to Asda. Danielle was upset when I left her this morning; I'm hoping she's just overtired afeter all the excitement yesterday.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Happy Birthday Dear Danielle...

~~~~ my little girl is 5 today. She woke up with the grumps and told me off for singing to her lol, but she soon cheered up when she saw all the pressies. We spent the time before the school run feeding Barbie's dog, making it poop and then doing the whole thing all over again. What joy!

I have to share this photo of my little man too - he very rarely sits still and usually refuses to look at the camera, and (surprise surprise) I managed to catch him without his tongue out as well!

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

First Day Nerves....

Well, me and Casey were both nervous. Danielle was as excited as anything and just went strolling into the classroom, found her name on the table and sat down to play with the playdoh. I didn't even get a goodbye lol. Danielle is so dinky - those trousers she's wearing are an age 3, and she's 5 tomorrow. Her fleece is a 3-4 and is huuuuge.

Casey was very nervous - first day at secondary school is a nerve-wracking business, so I don't envy her at all. She looked so grown up this morning, and so smart!! (Although I noticed this morning as she walked into the school gates that she had her shirt untucked underneath that blazer. Tut tut!!!) We had a laugh/panic this morning trying to do Casey's tie up. John's been trying to teach her for the last few days and, of course, this morning when we need him he was at work, pmsl. I haven't worn a tie since I was about 13 and the more I tried the more I was getting it wrong. Anyway, I eventually did it up on mysef, loosened it enough to slip off my head and over Casey's head, then I tightened it up again. That'll do for now lol.

Charlie went back to preschool this morning, but he had to get in on the photo action again today, but he's going through that stage of acting goofy in front of the camera. Oh, and can you see the scar on his head? The scab finally came off a few days ago, but his hair was attached to it lol, so now he has a little bald patch. Hopefuly, it'll grow back

Monday, 3 September 2007

Danielle's a winner

She drew a picture for the children's competition that was held over on It's a Creative World.A winner was chosen at random last night and Danielle was it!! She was over the moon when she woke up this morning; she even had to ring John at work to tell him the good news lol. Her pic is below - it's a family portrait (I'm the short Rapunzel-esque one, second from left) but check out some of the other entries on their blog. And I'd like to say a big thanks to the Creative World ladies for making my daughter's day.

Charlie had his first morning back at preschool; it was very odd having to be out by 9am. I'm still not looking forward to the early start tomorrow (well 8.30 lol) - I know it's going to take me at least a week to get back into the routine.

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Busy day tomorrow

Charlie's back to preschool so we've got to be up, dressed and out by 9am. *gasp* Even worse, Danielle starts school on Tuesday and we'll have to be out by 8.30. I've been selling on Ebay, so once Charlie's in preschool we're going to spend about an hour in the post office getting the parcels on their way.

Tomorrow sees another mailing of Design Collective classes, and one of them is from moi. (Btw, I can't believe that we're entering our 6th month of classes!!). I'm attaching a very very sneaky peek which gives away absolutely nothing lol.

Btw, Danielle is kind of getting used to her glasses, while I'm getting peed off with having to clean them every 5 minutes hehe.