Saturday, 31 May 2008

Got attitude

Little Miss Danielle pulls some funny faces but she was really not impressed when I shoved the camera in her face & this is the look I got from her. Some of her friends at school have been on the receiving end of 'the look' too lol, if they say something she disapproves of. She says and does whats he thinks.... in some ways I admire her, but I can't wait for her to learn to be a little tactful haha.

Pp ~ K&Co Amy Butler Belle, Hambly, Pink Paislee
Alphas ~ HS chipboard, MM Tiny Type
AC chipboard photo corners, MM metal tab thingymajig, Pink Paislee die cuts, HS gems, Hambly rub on, magic mesh.

I might not get much more done for a while. Weekends are always a bit rushed and my mojo is only on loan from the lovely Sue and has to go back to her on Monday.


Anonymous said...

Another one?! Yay for you :o) Tis gorgeous too - she is so sweet!


Anonymous said...

Lovely to see your mojo is back even if it is only on loan.

I'll be round later to fit that green bathroom suite. I've saved it just for you.

Happy Sunday xxx

Sue aka Greyhound Lover said...

LOL Karen, here I am sitting and feeling a tad sorry for myself and then I read your blog and burst out laughing, mojo sharing is good for the soul...


The Dolphin Inn said...

OMG that page is so good and the look - priceless !!!!!, hope you are well, it is so long since I have caught up with your blog, take care XXX